Athlete’s Foot Treatment
Athlete’s foot treatments by Kapyderm USA
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that usually begins between the toes. It commonly occurs in people whose feet have become very sweaty while confined within tight fitting shoes. Signs and symptoms of athlete's foot include a scaly rash that usually causes itching, stinging and burning
We offer two Athlete’s Foot treatments. The treatment at home and a treatment at an Authorized center. The treatment at home provides you with powerful and effective results, giving you the peace of mind and providing your skin with ultimate care.
The treatment at an authorized center are performed through a unique process where we combine some of our therapeutic products to to reach ultimate results. The mixture will be applied with an organic peat that activates the cells providing faster results.
For faster results its recommended to visit one of our authorized centers for a free consultation. The treatments at home can be used as a follow up maintenance for even greater results. If you don’t have an authorized center near you yet you can contact us for a free consultation.
Home Treatment
The Fungi-Activ Tonic is active against fungi causing the athlete’s foot. You will eliminate micosis and is is ideal as a preventative.
Clean with Normalizing Base Cleanser.
Apply Fungi-Activ all over foot in the morning and at night.
Next, moisturize with Multifunction Moisturizing Cream.
Take 2 Revital at night for 4 months.

The Latest
Center Treatment
The sessions in the center will be once per week (1 month). Biweekly (1 month), Once per month.
Clean with Normilizing Base Cleanser.
Apply K1 all over the foot then massage K2.
Apply Basic Cell Activation + Seborregulator Tonic.
Leave on for 30 minute.
Apply EBC + Fungi-Activ to the foot
Free Consultation
“Your Hair and Skin’s Health Is Our Priority.”
We can help you create a personalized hair and skincare treatment by assessing your hair, skin type, evaluating your skin's condition and recommending products that will be effective. Our products are recognized by beauty industry leaders & professionals for their effectiveness. We continue to research & innovate new formulas for healthier hair and skin. Our treatments are ideal for all Skin Types: Oily Skin, Dry Skin, Combination Skin, Normal Skin, Sensitive Skin, Acne-Prone Skin, Mature Skin. Fill out Form.
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